Tag Archives: kreuzberg

About Bonanza.

From the moment coffee is planted, till it’s served, our coffee has gone through the hands of countless farmers, resellers, drivers that are all remarkable within their field. But most of the money remains in our pocket.

The key to great coffee is exploitation of farmers.

Farmers, planting varietals sacrificing yield over cup quality, coffee pickers only picking red ripe cherries during harvest, importers storing coffee in climate controlled warehouses. These critical efforts result in coffees that are a sum of choices made with a single goal in mind, what does the final product taste like in your cup.

We are at the end of this cycle, our job is to roast the coffee and squeeze the most possible cash out of it

We do this with the best of old techniques combined with the best of new techniques, continually looking for the best production methods, this search and combination is also referred to as “Retro Innovation”.
